Magento 2. Add product photo in the product description tab.

by Peter D.

All Argento designs provide you with the opportunity to add a product photo to the “Description” product tab. If you’re using Argento Force the option is enabled by default.

You can place a beautiful product image in the product tab in the same manner as we showed here.

magento 2 product tab photo

There are 2 ways to add a photo.

1 way - Manually

Use the method if you want to have this type of picture only for specific products. Follow steps:

  • Find a required product in Magento Admin.
  • Choose a field where you can edit product descriptions.
  • Disable the WYSIWYG editor for this field.
  • Insert the next HTML code before all content in the description.
<img class="argento-float-photo hidden-xs hidden-sm" src="[URL_TO_IMAGE]" />
[URL_TO_IMAGE] - URL to image you want to show in description.

  • Save. Check the product page at frontend.

Here you can see some tech info. The image element has classes:

  • argento-float-photo - Argento css class that places pictures.
  • hidden-xs - hide image on mobile devices. Screen less than 768px.
  • hidden-sm - hide images on tablets. Screen 768px - 1024px.

2 way - Automatically

Please note you have to create a custom theme before using this way.

Here you can add photos in the description for every product. Then Magento will use the last image from the product gallery to add it to the product description. If the description already has photo-in-description then Magento will do nothing.

So, you have to create a view.xml file at the directory ETC of your custom theme with the following content.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<view xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/view.xsd">
    <!-- settings go here -->

If not, please add settings to view.xml. Insert them before closing the ‘view’ node (</view>).

<vars module="Argento_Theme">
    <var name="photo_in_description">
        <var name="add_classes">hidden-xs hidden-sm</var> <!-- hide on mobile screens and tables -->
        <var name="target">#product\\.info\\.description[data-role=content]</var>

Save and clear store cache.

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