Argento Theme Update

This is the main instruction to update the Argento theme. Follow the simple steps to complete.

Prepare to upgrade

Argento upgrade requires ssh to connect to your server and run commands. When connected to the server, navigate to the MAGENTO_ROOT directory.

MAGENTO_ROOT — is a path to Magento folder. Ask your hosting, if you don't have it.

Install our marketplace module required to upgrade theme:

composer require swissup/module-marketplace &&\
bin/magento setup:upgrade &&\
bin/magento marketplace:channel:enable swissuplabs

Run upgrade process

bin/magento marketplace:package:update swissup/argento-m2

That’s all. Navigate to you store to check your updated theme!

Note: in case you have much older Argento versions, and you wish to update the template to the last version, please contact our support team. We will provide you the recommendations regarding the version you're using.