Magento 1. Pure 2.0 Homepage.

by Peter D.

Argento’s homepage uses a bunch of widgets. You can customize its settings to make widgets match various layout types and designs of your store.

NOTE:This KB article is about Argento for Magento 1. In case you need to edit the homepage of Magento 2 Argento Pure 2 theme, please follow the link.

Homepage content is editable at Cms > Pages interface.



Slider is powered by EasySlider module. You can manage each slide and animation effects at Templates-Master > Easyslide backend page.

Slider is inserted in homepage with widget. The following code is used to show the slider on the homepage:

<div class="jumbotron jumbotron-slider jumbotron-image">
    <div class="container wow fadeIn">
        {{widget type="easyslide/insert" slider_id="argento_pure2"}}



Categories block is powered by EasyCatalogImages module.

This block is inserted using magento widget functionality. The following code is used to show block on the homepage:

<div class="jumbotron">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="block block-dotted">
            <div class="block-title"><span>The Essentials</span></div>
            <div class="block-content">
                {{widget type="easycatalogimg/widget_list" background_color="255,255,255" category_count="4" subcategory_count="6" column_count="4" show_image="1" image_width="200" image_height="200" template="tm/easycatalogimg/list.phtml"}}



Homepage tabs - is a highlight blocks, transformed into tabs with javascript.

The following code is used to show tabs on the homepage:

<div class="jumbotron">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="tab-container">
            {{widget type="highlight/product_special" title="Sale" products_count="6" column_count="3" template="tm/highlight/product/grid.phtml" class_name="highlight-special" page_title="Shop Sale"}}
            {{widget type="highlight/product_bestseller" title="Bestsellers" products_count="6" column_count="3" template="tm/highlight/product/grid.phtml" class_name="highlight-bestsellers" page_title="Shop Bestsellers"}}
            {{widget type="highlight/product_popular" title="Popular" products_count="6" column_count="3" template="tm/highlight/product/grid.phtml" class_name="highlight-popular" page_title="Shop Popular"}}
            {{widget type="highlight/product_attribute_yesno" attribute_code="recommended" title="Editor's Choise" products_count="6" column_count="3" template="tm/highlight/product/grid.phtml" class_name="highlight-attribute-recommended"}}
            {{widget type="highlight/product_new" title="New arrivals" products_count="6" column_count="3" template="tm/highlight/product/grid.phtml" class_name="highlight-new" page_title="Shop New"}}
        <script type="text/javascript">
            new TabBuilder();
            new IScroll($$('.tab-container .tabs-wrapper')[0], {
                click: true,
                tap  : true,
                bindToWrapper: true,
                scrollX: true,
                scrollY: false

Brands Slider

Brands Slider

Brands slider is a simple cms content, powered with javascript to make slider.

Code, used for brands slider:

<div class="jumbotron">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="block block-brands argento-slider wow fadeIn" data-wow-delay="0.2s">
            <div class="block-title"><span>Our Brands</span></div>
            <div class="block-content">
                <a href="#" id="left" class="trigger trigger-left"><i class="fa fa-4x fa-angle-right"></i></a>
                <a href="#" id="right" class="trigger trigger-right"><i class="fa fa-4x fa-angle-left"></i></a>
                <div id="slider-brands-container" class="slider-wrapper">
                    <ul class="list-slider" id="slider-brands">
                        <li class="item"><a href="#"><img src="{{skin url='images/catalog/brands/gucci.jpg'}}" alt="" width="150" height="80"/></a></li>
                        <li class="item" ><a href="#"><img src="{{skin url='images/catalog/brands/lv.jpg'}}" alt="" width="100" height="80"/></a></li>
                <script type="text/javascript">
                    new Slider("slider-brands-container", "left", "right", {shift: 'auto'});

Free Delivery Banner


Free delivery banner is powered by EasyBanner module. Banners are editable at Templates-Master > Easybanner page.

Code, used to show homepage banner:

<div class="jumbotron">
    <div class="container block-homepage-banner">
        {{widget type="easybanner/widget_placeholder" placeholder_name="argento-pure2-home"}}

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